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Applying for your Maryland HQL (July 2023 Update)

Writer: Ryan GassRyan Gass

In this blog we take you step by step through applying for your Handgun Qualification License (HQL) in the state of Maryland. An HQL is needed to purchase a handgun in the State of Maryland (some exceptions apply). This is based on the most recent application process as of November 23, 2021.

The HQL is required in order to purchase a handgun in Maryland. Applying for your Maryland HQL (Handgun Qualification License, needed to buy a handgun) can be confusing. With this article, I am going to break down the application process step by step. If you haven't already acquired the required training, you can click here to register. If you need the required live-scan fingerprints (yes, you will need a new set), you can click here to register. If you got them down for HQL but waited more than 1 year to apply for the HQL, they are now expired and you must have them redone.

To apply for your HQL, you must start by going to the Maryland Department of State Police Online Services Login Page. If you don't have an account yet- create one and then login in.

Maryland HQL

You will come to this initial page ( see below). Click on Initial Application.

Maryland HQL

It will take you to the page below. Then you will have to click the appropriate boxes.

Maryland HQL

If you have taken a HQL training course, your page should match ours below. Program: Firearm Services

License Type: HQL Standard

Application Method: Application

Then hit Start Application.

Maryland HQL

Then it will come up to this page (see below). Scroll down thru it.

Maryland HQL

Click the "HERE" (See below)

Maryland HQL

Fill out this page. Read it thoroughly. No, do not put my information (seen below) in your form. Yes, there will still be someone that does.

Fill out this page. Read it thoroughly. No, do not put my information (seen below) in your form. Yes, there will still be someone that does.

Maryland HQL

On your fingerprint receipt you received upon completion of your live-scan, there was a TCN or PCN number- put that in the PCN/TCN box towards the bottom of the page (See below).

Maryland HQL

DO NOT put your tracking number (just above it). DO NOT put your SSN. DO NOT put my phone number. Put your PCN/TCN number in the PCN/TCN number box. Also make sure you use the correct fingerprint (sometimes people get two fingerprints, one for HQL and one for MD Carry/CCW but use the MD Carry/CCW one to apply for HQL). Make sure you use the one that states "HQL" in the top right hand corner, as seen below. These things have to be done this specific way or they will not work- ask me how I know.

Once you complete this page, hit the Update button at the bottom center of your screen.

Applying for your Maryland HQL (May 2023 Update)

When you get to the "Associate QHIL/QHIC" page, you will click add.

Maryland HQL

For Relationship Type: Choose Instructor Prereq

For Profession: Choose Firearms Services

For license type: Choose Qualified Handgun Instructor Certificate

For license number: put the one given to you on your certificate (we email them out after class and they come from (Check your spam folder if you haven't seen it).

Maryland HQL

Click on your instructors name when it pops up.

Maryland HQL

Then hit Complete (see below).

Maryland HQL

On the following page, you will have a bunch of questions to answer. Read them thoroughly and answer truthfully.

Maryland HQL

Keep answering...

Maryland HQL

Yup, keep answering...

Maryland HQL

And some more...

No the last question asks you to acknowledge the FBI Privacy Act/Your Rights. You can read that here below

and then you have to print it out, Print/Sign/Date and then upload that into your Application soon.

Maryland HQL

Here's that page where you upload that signed and dated FBI doc. BUT

DO NOT upload ANYTHING except hit the FBI Document. You WILL NOT NEED to upload any training documentation. You WILL NOT NEED to upload a passport style photo. You WILL NOT need to upload ANYTHING but that FBI Document.

Maryland HQL

Maryland HQL

Then Hit "Upload Document"

Maryland HQL

Then for type choose "FBI Fingerprint Privacy Notification

Maryland HQL

Then hit "Next"

Maryland HQL

The following page (see below) is just a summary of all the information you provided in your application. Review and hit "Pay Fees". Yes, you are a Maryland resident, they are the same ones that charged your a tax if it rained- of course they are going to make you pay a fine to exercise a right. Freedom isn't free is the land of tyranny.

Maryland HQL

Keep reviewing...

Maryland HQL

And some more...

Maryland HQL

And last bit of review...

Maryland HQL

And last but not least, payment. You know dang well that can't do anything in Maryland without the politicians taxing it life out of it. Unfortunately your second amendment right to bear arms is being continuously infringed upon in that manner as well.

By the way- this fee goes up to $75 on Oct 1, making you $25 safer....

Maryland HQL

Put all your billing and credit/debit card info in and hit Submit Payment. Then, Wait. And wait. And wait some more. Currently (May 4, 2023) applicants are waiting approximately 10-14 days before they receive their HQL in their email.

Maryland HQL

It isn't uncommon for you to receive an email or phone call from the state police stating "Everything is good on our end, just waiting for you instructor to verify your training." This is standard and an automated email. No need for concern or to let us know.

When you apply, it will show up on our end requesting our approval. We check that 3 times a day, 6 days a week. As soon as we see it, it will be taken care of.

What you will not see on your end is what we see. We get a list of pending applications that indicated that our instructor conducted an applicant's required training, and the "Approve?" box is so we can tell them that Yes we did or No this is a fraudulent application.

Sometimes their database really slacks off and they aren't able to confirm your training. In such case they will ask you to send over a copy of your certificate (we emailed it to you from ). Just forward them that certificate.

Maryland HQL

Sometimes applicants mistakenly think that they submitted their application, but they didn't. In such case, you will see this (See below) on your portal home page. In such case, click continue and finish following all the directions laid out in this blog article.

Maryland HQL

Also, the Maryland State Police are going thru some growing pains/change of leadership/new personnel so you may be told "You were fingerprinted for Wear and Carry but are applying for HQL. You must get re-fingerprinted for the HQL using the agency authorization number listed below...". If that happens, take these steps in this order:

  1. Double check to make sure you did indeed give them the correct fingerprint information

  2. Let us know (if you did the fingerprints with us) and we will double check to ensure everything was inputted correctly (99% of the time it is correct)

  3. Call HQL Licensing at 410-653-4577 to let them know that everything is in the CJIS system correctly and your application needs further review.

Another common problem with the Maryland State Police, at times their system will also fail to communicate to them training verifications. In such a circumstance, they will email you stating "A review of your HQL application revealed your instructor has not signed off on your mandatory four hour training course. As a result, your application has been administratively denied. Please contact your instructor and advise them to sign off on your required training."

Do not worry- we did sign off on your training, we do so three times a week and clear out our log. Their system has lots of frustrating flaws but the easiest way to do with this is to simply send them a copy of your certificate that we emailed you after your successful completion of our course.

Below, you will see an example of what an HQL is. Simply put, it is a digital letter that is emailed to you by the Maryland State Police Licensing Division. You are strongly encouraged to print off multiple copies (put them in each of you vehicles, wallet/purse), email a copy to your dealer(s), have electronic access (saved on your cell phone rather than needing signal to access your email, ect).

Maryland HQL

I hope this article was helpful and I will edit it as needed to stay updated and accurate. Please leave comments below of anything you would add or experiences you have had. Once your application is approved, please email me a picture of your permit front and back to . Keep me updated on your application process by emailing me or texting me at 240-925-5788

We greatly appreciate your continued support and it would mean so much to us if you were to leave us a review to let others know how much you loved our class.


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