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Why You Need to Look Into Concealed Carry Insurance

Writer: Brady KirkpatrickBrady Kirkpatrick

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

If you have a concealed carry license, you’ve probably heard about concealed carry insurance policies. It’s a strangely overlooked but very important consideration to make as a responsible gun owner.

Most concealed carry gun owners are uninformed about what would happen should they ever find themselves in a situation where they will be forced to use their handguns in self-defense.

This is no simple and straightforward matter. The importance of having concealed carry insurance can’t be emphasized enough.

In this guide, we’ll talk about concealed carry insurance, how it works, how it can benefit the gun owner, and how to pick an effective concealed carry provider.

If the question is “do I really need concealed carry insurance and is it worth it/suitable for me?”, the short answer is yes, yes it is.

Here’s the long answer.

What Is a Concealed Carry Insurance Policy?

Concealed carry insurance financially protects you in the event of defending yourself, your property, or someone else by using firearms.

It’s commonly referred to as “CCW insurance,” “gun owner’s insurance,” or “personal firearm protection insurance.”

Depending on the circumstances of the shooting incident, there’s a good chance you’ll be involved in a civil or criminal lawsuit. The lawsuits can last for years, and the legal fees are almost always extremely high.

Do I Need Concealed Carry Insurance?

According to the Congressional Research Service, Americans own 300 million guns, which is twice the number per capita in comparison to 1968.

The aftermath of a firearm discharge can be legally complex, even if you consider that most states have shoot first or stand your ground laws in which discharge is often warranted.

Even if you use your hands or other non-firearm weapons like pepper spray, insurance is something to be seriously considered, as most self-defense insurance companies cover more than firearms.

Though we pray that we never have to use firearms, incidents can happen. That’s why proper documentation like concealed carry insurance and membership cards are important for you to carry in public, especially if you’re carrying a weapon.

What Do Concealed Carry Insurance Policies Cover?

Concealed carry policies cover various firearm situations like self-defense (with or without a weapon), use of deadly force, negligent discharge coverage, and so on.

Other than the instances we mentioned, here’s a more comprehensive list of what they may cover depending on the provider:

  • Bail bonds;

  • Investigation costs and witness fees;

  • Attorney fees;

  • Mistrial and appeal fees;

  • Spousal coverage at a discount rate;

  • Criminal and civil court case defense fees;

  • Property damage coverage;

  • State line coverage;

  • Per diem—the time you may end up spending in jail (lost wages per day or “work loss coverage”).

If you are convicted, there are some insurance providers that will cover your fees, regardless of your background or the outcome of the case. However, cold-blood homicide cases are excluded, and some providers are only able to cover your fees after the trial and only if you’re not convicted.

If you’re crossing state lines, there is no nationwide concealed carry insurance coverage. The laws regarding interstate concealed carry insurance policies vary from state to state.

That’s why you must know all the services and features a policy may cover. Furthermore, being informed about the state laws where you plan to travel with your concealed carry firearm is also crucial.

How to Choose a Concealed Carry Insurance Provider

Other than knowing all the pertinent interstate laws as well as the insurance provider’s services, you need to consider the specific situations where you would be legally protected.

Important Services Concealed Carry Policies Should Have

So, we touched on what concealed carry insurance can cover, but what do the particular services actually mean? Let’s explain.

Picking Your Own Attorney

As we said, some insurance providers pick the attorney for you. This is ill-advised because some policies will provide you with attorneys chosen at random.

That means there’s a chance you might end up with an attorney that’s not specialized in your specific case of firearm discharge or self-defense shooting case. They are just better versed than your regular lawyer.

It’s a very slippery slope and a complex matter, and the fact that you need a specialized attorney that you can trust is underemphasized.

Instead, picking an attorney in whom you can be confident is far more important for your peace of mind and—most likely—the potential outcome of a case.

Money up Front

Simply put, “Up front” means reimbursement in advance. Your provider must guarantee a certain amount of coverage up front that will help you avoid cost burdens of the legal processes.

Per Diem During Trial and Bail Bonds

Daily per diem—or “allowance every day”—is an absolutely crucial coverage every policy should have.

In the unfortunate event that you do go to jail and start losing your income or perhaps even your job during a trial, a service provider should cover your per diem costs.

Additionally, a good CCW insurance plan will make sure that you get bail bonds when confined in jail.

Attorney Fees

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but after a self-defense shooting, there are almost always criminal investigation costs and civil lawsuits. This is where attorneys come in, and they’re not cheap.

It’s important that a provider covers criminal and civil defense, damages, retainers, and other attorney fees. The fees can skyrocket really high, really fast, and it’s important to know how your policy handles your attorney fees and policy caps.

Policy Caps

Always be sure to take a closer look at the policy’s cap and the cost of coverage placement.

The higher the coverage cap, the more expensive is the policy, but that’s just how it works.

It’s difficult and complex to figure out exact estimates for a suitable legal defense, but the best you can do is thoroughly examine providers and all of their plans so that you can consider a reasonably affordable plan.


To sum up, concealed carry insurance is almost essential to have if you believe your location is dangerous or there’s a high chance you’ll be forced to use your firearm in self-defense and other confrontations.

One of the most popular companies with suitable CCW insurance plans and services is U.S. Law Shield.

Disclaimer: We are not a legal service. This article is not to be taken as legal advice and is strictly educational. Please seek appropriate counseling.

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