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VIDEO: Prince George's County, Fatal Shooting of Resident in his own Apartment

Writer: Ryan GassRyan Gass

Updated: Mar 25, 2024

I found this video recently and thought it to be the basis for a good discussion. How can we as responsible gun owners avoid this situation happening to us in our own homes?

I don't know all the details or the context for the situation but essentially a 911 call was placed about a Breaking/Entering in progress in this apartment. Hindsight being 20/20, it appears it was a misperception, the man shot was the resident and the other man was a visiting friend.

The officer, Officer BJ Shelton of the Prince George's County Police Department arrives, approaches the exterior of the apartment, handgun in hand. The door to the apartment in question is slightly ajar. The officer kicks open the door, and we quickly see the subject in the living room with his back to the officer. The officer calls out for the man to show his hands, but never identifies himself as law enforcement. It is hard to tell if the man, who has his hood of his jacket up on his head, can see the unannounced officer. The man then walks away from the officer, towards the kitchen. The officer repeatedly calls for the man to show him his hands but never verbally identifies himself as law enforcement.

It is hard to see exactly what happens next because of the lighting but the man does finally turn towards the officer, and the officer then shoots the man one time.

Yes, lets Monday morning quarterback this. And yes, we don't know all the facts lets make some assumptions (which may be wrong) for conversations sake.

You are armed in your home or apartment. You set off your home alarm by accident or neighbors don't recognize you pull up to your home in your new-to-you vehicle.

You live in a high crime region and some unidentified subject aggressively approaches you by surprise from behind. You may or may not notice the gun he has point at your head. What do you do, and why? What is going through your head? These are important things to think about and consider. It is very reasonable that you too may find yourself in similar circumstances some day.


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